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At Slitherspot  we believe that learning about reptiles and amphibians should be both engaging and informative. Our Educational Resources page serves as a comprehensive guide for enthusiasts of all ages to explore the fascinating world of these remarkable creatures. Here, you'll find valuable information, captivating images, and insights into various reptiles that will spark your curiosity and enhance your understanding.

King cobra!

the king cobra is the worlds longest venomous snake! Growing up to 18 feet long this snake can kill an elephant within hours. And they can kill 20 people in one bite. They are native to Southeast Asia and they eat other snakes including pythons! King cobras are a defensive snake, they actually will hood up when threatened! But they are actually not true cobras they have there own genus. King cobras are not Aggressive they are defensive there is no such thing as an aggressive snake all snakes are defensive and defend them selves! 

The Axolotl!

The Axolotl is an endangered species of aquatic salamander! Since they are aquatic, they spend their whole lives in water and never come out! But you might be wondering, if they are endangered then why are they common pets? Well they are endangered in the wild, but thanks to captive breeding we will probably always have them in captivity! These unique salamanders really cute and really great pets. You can keep them in a 10 to 20 gallon fish tank forever! You see the pink Axolotl in the image? That is raised in captivity! See the grey Axolotl in the image? That’s what they look like in the wild! So thanks to captive breeding we have pink, glowing, blue, yellow and so much more axolotls!

The Australian water dragon!

The Australian water dragon is an absolute cool lizard! They are cute, hardy, and fast. But there are some cons, they need a huge environment, they are large lizards, and there not low maintenance so they are not the best pet lizard! Instead get a leopard gecko. But anyways the Australian water dragon is native to Australia and it loves swimming! They have a similar behavior to an iguana! They can eat some fruits and vegetables and they eat insects so there diet is not the problem with there care. The problem is that there high maintenance and they need a large enclosure because they are big lizards!

Venom vs poison 

this often confuses everybody but venom and poison are actually very different things! Poison is toxic to lick or eat venom has to be injected somehow. Like a bee will inject venom with a stinger and a snake will inject venom with fangs! Venom is not toxic to eat it is completely fine if you drunk venom. But drinking or eating poision IS NOTOK AT ALL!!!! That’s how poisonous creatures kill you. If you here on the news that a snake bit somebody that was a venomous snake not a poisonous snake! 

The eyelash viper

the eyelash viper gets its name from the eyelash like scales above there eye's! Eyelash vipers are native to Central America  where a lot of other species of vipers live! If you are looking for a beginner venomous snake then this one is for you because there venom is not that potent. The worst it could do is amputate your finger. But if you’re really unlucky then you could be dead, but there is very little people that died from an eyelash viper bite! Eyelash vipers come in a lot of different colors, like yellow, green, and red. Eyelash vipers are an arboreal species which means they are going to spend most of there time in the trees, branches, bushes, and leaves! But it’s important to not take these from the wild they are inportant to the ecosystem so instead get a captive bred one.

Green pit viper!

The green pit viper is native to Southeast Asia! And they are also called the green insularis. There are many colors of insularis there are blue, green, yellow, and probably more! Insularis are venomous snakes including the green insularis So it’s best to keep distance from the snakes at all times. The green insularis is in the pit viper family! Which means they have heat sensing pits. So if I put a balloon filled with cold water in front of the snake it would not bite the balloon. But if I put a balloon fool of hot water in front of it it would strike and bite the balloon! The green pit viper is an arboreal species. Meaning it spends most of its day in the trees but sometimes they are on the ground.

Green anole

The green anole is a small lizard native to Florida! What’s cool about them is they change from green to brown. If there stressed there turn brown but if there happy there turn green green anoles have a diet on insects and occasionally fruits and veggies. When i was in Florida i caught these all of the time and there fast. But sadly the brown anole native to Cuba is eating all of the green anoles but green anoles are reproducing very fast so they are not endangered at all. But there is still less green anoles in Florida then there use to be. I also used to have pet green anoles but dont get one please! There fast there small, delicate, and they only live for 3-5 years.

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